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Small Fillet Weld on Aluminum Parts

Small Fillet Weld on Aluminum Parts

Recently, I received a call from a regular, long term customer of our Anaheim metal fabrication shop. It seems he needed a small fillet weld on some aluminum parts. What’s interesting about this job is that smaller welds are not usually the case.
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Solving Challenges for Customers. It’s What We Do

Solving Challenges for Customers. It’s What We Do

As a metal fabrication shop in Anaheim, our capabilities and projects usually consist of metal fabrication, welding & machining in the Southern California area. When you are in the metal fabrication business, you’re in the customer service business.
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Introducing the Pen Manufacturing Blog

Introducing the Pen Manufacturing Blog

For over 30 years, Pen Manufacturing has been solving manufacturing challenges for companies and individuals in Southern California (where we’re from) but also all over the map. We take pride in the work we’ve done.
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